Friday, October 25, 2013

Here is the monument out front at the Senior Center Hurst,Texas It is honoring the Mayors and City Council .of the past and present. A very beautiful monument.


Here is one of our staff... A major player in the Craft FAIR....

Taking a little break from shooting pictures.

She is a tired Lady.

Two pretty Ladies........I Guess

I bought a Book Marker here....Beautiful

Hello Randy Foster....You are ugly.

Hello Ms LORA

Thanks Jean....Really nice BOOTH

WOW this is really GOOD

Really Nice

Admiring the FLOWERS.

Makes you sleepy to look at.....

Getting ready for Christmas.

Lady posing with a beautiful Quilt

How about some Pop CORN.

One of the beautiful booth at the Fair.... Thanks Doris.

WOW so Colorful

Check this one out carefully.. How much electricity BILL.

Every one in the Center knows this LAD

Wish I had that stool

Merry Christmas coming up.

Thanks be to GOD

What have we here.

Glass ware is fun to make.

A wall of quilts

Monday, October 7, 2013

I feel much better NOW.

What did you say.

I like this machine.

Exercise makes you feel good

Oh Yes

Hi Ladies

OH Yes

This is the place

The meeting will come to order.

Two of our regulars

Still having FUN